Our Lakeside uniform draws the pupil community together and provides a sense of identity and belonging. We want our pupils to feel a sense of pride when they pull on our school badges each day.
The full range of Lakeside uniform, including jumpers, cardigans and more embroidered with our school badge are from Monkhouse Schoolwear, 252 High Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3HF. Tel: 01242 523632, online here.
School Uniform Item List
- Grey skirt
- Grey trousers
- Grey shorts
- Grey pinafore
- White polo shirt
- School logo sweatshirt
- School logo cardigan
- Gingham summer dress
- Grey or black tights
- Grey or black socks (white summer socks)
- Black shoes (not trainers or boots)
PE Kit Item List
- School logo navy t-shirt
- Navy or black shorts/joggers
- Trainers
- School logo sweatshirt/cardigan
Click here to see a visual itemised list of our uniform
The above said, we recognise that financial pressure on some families can mean it is hard to regularly purchase branded uniform as your child grows. We therefore do understand that a family may choose to buy unbranded uniform or PE kit in the relevant teal / navy colour where this presents as a more affordable alternative.
Where children attend school wearing the wrong school uniform, parents/carers will be communicated by phone or letter to remind them of our expectations. Importantly, if support is needed to source / buy the right garments, this is available and we will are always happy to help. Your child 'fitting in' as a Lakeside child is very important to their success at school and we want to help you.
We request that families keep any form of accessories to a minimum. Earrings are permitted, however, for health and safety reasons only stud earrings - hooped earrings or similar are not allowed. Earrings must be removed for PE lessons. No other form of jewellery is required in our primary school setting.
Nail varnish (and alternatives such as shellac or BIAB), temporary tattoos and hair dye are not permitted in school unless authorised by a senior leader.
Long hair should be tied back in a pony tail for health and safety reasons. Loose hair can become hazardous when thinking about practical lessons in D&T, science and PE; it is also more susceptible to spreading headlice. When children don't have long hair tied up, we provide hair ties in school. When considering hair accessories, we request hair ties and hair bands are kept simple and, if possible, in keeping with our school colours.