Lakeside Primary School

Supporting Your Y4 Child at Home

The easiest and most beneficial support you can give your child at home is to support their understanding of the basic principles of reading and maths.

Our homework suggestions are therefore based around this:

  • Reading - every day where possible. Encouraging your child to read for 10 minutes or more just before going to sleep is a great idea. But also, try to hear them read regularly too as this supports comprehension. When you do hear them read, please pop a note in their reading record. 
  • Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) is a fun way to develop fast recall of the times tables which are vital for understanding of much of the maths taught in later years. Visit - children's login details are in their reading records.
  • Termly project suggestions linked to themes


In June, all children in Year 4 nationally take the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) which is a short online test of 25 questions. There is no pass mark but the test is designed to help highlight those children who may need additional support. Click here to view the 'Information for Parents' document regarding the Multiplication Check.