School Performance Data
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Early Years Foundation Stage
The EYFSP data provides a picture of the number of children in a reception setting who, at the end of Reception, have achieved a ‘good level of development’. A child who has achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD) according to the Department for Education (DfE) is considered as a:
Child who has reached at least the expected level for the (Early Learning Goals) ELGs in all aspects of mathematics and literacy and the prime areas of learning which include Personal, Social and Emotional (PSE), Physical Development and Communication and Language.
Below is summary of the school's performance in the national Phonic Screening Check. In order to meet the expected standard, a pupil needs to achieve a pass of 32 or above out of 40.
Outcomes at the end of Year 1
Outcomes at the end of Key Stage 1
End of Key Stage 2 Assessments
Attainment 2023-24
Attainment 2022-23
Reading: -0.4 Writing: 0.4 Maths: -0.7
Attainment 2021-22
Reading: -0.3 Writing: -2.5 Maths: -0.2